Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Law of Theories

Law of Theories on

PDF version of the article

Alaska Physical Science Trivia

1. Why does this car have a plug?
2. What are the large silver fins for on top of the posts supporting the pipeline?
3. What is the percent of oxygen in the air at the summit (20,320 ft.) of Denali (Mt. McKinley)?
4. What is this structure used for?
5. What is the temperature of the oil in the pipeline?
6. What is this?
7. What makes the beautiful colors of the sunrise?
8. Who’s third law of motion helps to explain a rocket launch?
9. What keeps this otter warm in near-freezing waters? (Hint: It is not just his fur.)
10. Why does it take more energy to take-off in a float plane than in a traditional plane?

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